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American Heart Association
CPR Courses
EMT Refresher, On-Line

On Line or In Class
Refresher Application
Geriatric Education for Emergency Medical Services (GEMS)

GEMS course is designed to address all of the special needs
o the older population, including the geriatric objectives as identified
in the EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate, and EMT-Paramedic National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) National Standard Curricula.
GEMS course is innovative, comprehensive, and highly visual
program with:
action video
skill stations
- Small group
See current course list for complete course description.
AAOS 9th Edition

Pediatric Education for Prehospital Professionals (PEPP)
Second Edition

exciting new program is the first of its kind designed specifically
. First Responders
represents a comprehensive source of pre hospital medical information
for the emergent care of infants and children. It will teach pre hospital
professionals how to better assess and manage ill or injured children.

First Aid

First Responder: Your First Response in Emergency Care

Fully integrating the
First Responder National Standard Curriculum guidelines, this complete
training solution combines comprehensive medical content with dynamic
new features, design, and interactive technology to better support
instructors and prepare students for the field. Additionally, some
topics are covered in greater depth and are identified as supplemental
information by an FYI icon.
ON-LINE Course
This on-line First Responder
course allows you to complete your class work and quizzes on-line
and then set up a schedule to complete the practical lab and final
Quick and Easy
and in the privacy of your own home.
It's That Easy!
Call us today at
508 865-9710
Managing Stress: Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-Being

Outdoor Emergency Care: Comprehensive Prehospital Care for Nonurban Settings

Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care for Remote Locations

MECTA is a Massachusetts Department of Public Health,
Office of Emergency Medical Services -
Accredited Training Academy
:: Advanced Life Support Courses
Since 1984, MECTA has provided comprehensive and affordable courses in basic life support (BLS) as an American Heart Association Training Center. Now, we are proud to expand training availability to the general public by making available the advanced life support components as well;
Advanced Cardiac Life Support - ACLS, and
Pediatric Advanced Life Support - ACLS.
These courses are up-to-date and affordable and taught by American Heart Association certified advanced life support instructors.*
If you have any questions about the courses, or anything else, email us at alsinfo@mecta.com.
Course Description
The American Heart Association's Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support course is totally redesigned for healthcare providers who either direct or participate in the resuscitation of a patient, whether in or out of hospital. Through the ACLS course, providers will enhance their skills in the treatment of the adult victim of a cardiac arrest or other cardiopulmonary emergencies. ACLS emphasizes the importance of basic life support CPR to patient survival; the integration of effective basic life support with advanced cardiovascular life support interventions; and the importance of effective team interaction and communication during resuscitation.
ACLS is based on simulated clinical scenarios that encourage active, hands-on participation through learning stations where students will practice essential skills individually, as part of a team, and as team leader. Realistic simulations reinforce the following key concepts: proficiency in basic life support care; recognizing and initiating early management of peri-arrest conditions; managing cardiac arrest; identifying and treating ischemic chest pain and acute coronary syndromes; recognizing other life-threatening clinical situations (such as stroke) and providing initial care; ACLS algorithms; and effective resuscitation team dynamics.
Intended Audience
The course is designed for medical providers such as physicians, nurses, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, respiratory therapists, and other professionals who may respond to a cardiovascular emergency.
* ALS/PALS instructors are independent instructors. |